Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners
Basic Watercolor Materials Needed
You can either print out this list to bring into your local art store or purchase online from retailers. All items are easily found in both locations.
These brands are what I use personally, you can use any brand or Non brand you like. Use the paper, brushes, and any watercolor paints you have. Don’t go out and buy a bunch of new stuff. However the better the quality, the better results you can have.
My Favorite’s- available in my Amazon Shop
Tube Paints are Easier to work with than pans but both will work.
Rosa Tube paints were used in the demo, here are the colors:
737 Paynes Grey
741 Cobalt Turquoise
727 Quin Lilac
735 Quin Gold
717 Indigo
742 Lavender
714 Turquoise
Cotman Burnt Umber
Feel free to try any brand of similar shades or go from some completely new colors!
Demos I used Strathmore Watercolor Cards and for the larger project: Arches 140lb Cold Press: 30x11" but use any size
Palette Knife of your choice, and a #1 or #2 Liner brush
Silicon Brush - optional, the back of the liner works just as well or a credit card, calligraphy pen, even a ball point pen (closed).
140lb cold press paper - I used Watercolor Cards (cut them in half and use for practice).
Porcelain mixing tray or any plate or mixing tray
White Gouache or Bleed proof White
Water - 2 cups of water (one for rinse, the other clean)
Paper Towels or rag
Blow Dryer or small heat gun for speeding up the drying process.
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