Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Friday, October 12, 2012

First Watercolor Portrait For Me - A Challenge!


One of my newly discovered artists and may I say.....who also happens to be one of my FAVORITES now, Crystal Cook.  The realism in her portraits are just so amazing and inspiring! She is from Utah (long ways from Maine) or I would be taking one of her classes toot sweet! You can check out her incredible art on her blog, Crystal Cook Art Blog.

Ugh, this was such a challenge for me from my normal easy going water and abstract scene's that I usually paint. Sometimes you just need to try something different and challenging. Well that it was!

Not sure what I was thinking here because this little black and white photo was not the best choice to paint from. Got to use my imagination with it though, so that was pretty exciting. (Trying some dry humor).

First time painting hair too!

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