Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thirty Paintings in 30 Days - Day 7 Boothbay Harbor, Maine

 Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Two Mini Original Watercolor's
Purchase Information HERE 

Some of my favorite paintings to complete are mini's. I purchased these little mats a while ago, not realizing how much fun it would be to paint so small. They are the perfect size for my daily paintings.

I can sit on my couch, watch a movie and paint a mini all at the same time - who knew!
I'm a multi-tasker...but you can't tell my 14 year old son that (NO comparison)!

Have you heard—I’m now accepting students into my Online Watercolor course
Join me here now for 67% off!

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Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners Sign up for the Course Here! Basic Watercolor ...