Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Sunday, March 19, 2017

New Sea Turtle Course is in the works!

Feeling Excited - here's the finished piece for the New Sea Turtle Alcohol Ink Course I'm currently working on. I've finished painting and now checking out the filming to make sure I have everything. Hopefully it went smoothly and I can begin working on breaking it down into lectures. I'll keep you posted! Make sure to sign up for my Email Newsletter for Special Coupons once the course goes LIVE.

Some Alcohol Ink and Watercolor Art Courses are now on sale through 3/31/2017!

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Using Monster Liquid Latex as Masking Fluid for Watercolors

If you’ve been experimenting with different masking fluids for watercolor, you might have come across Monster Liquid Latex, a product typica...