Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Friday, January 24, 2014

SOLD - Day 24 "Renewal" Peacock


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I tried for a more realistic looking Peacock this time! I really like how this one turned out. Somehow I  managed to keep my style a little loose but with some details in the face.

This time I used a pencil instead of an ink pen to draw  out the basic shape of the peacock bird. I learned on my last piece that the pen ink will run when the alcohol touches it....should have seen that one coming!

You may also be wondering what all the paint dots are underneath the bird. I made myself a ink chart. This is a great way to help determine your color choices! I can see them laid out in front of me before I drop them onto the Yupo paper. 

The colors are not exactly as they are on the labels. Well, they may have started that way but inks are messy and before long most of the labels are covered with ink making it hard to tell! Before I would pick up any old blue and go with it!

I started out by painting the background first, then added the layers of color over once it dried.

I'm still planning on doing a video demo in February....so if you have never tried AI you can see a few tips that I've learned from trial and error.

Stop on over to my Kellie Lynn Art Facebook Fan Page - would love to have you as a FAN!

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