Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Back to my Creative Emotional Side - "Strength"

Alcohol Ink on Mineral Paper
Size: 9x12"

Having so much fun with my home made blending solution!

Funny when I was younger I felt as though I needed to PROVE that I was a "REAL" artist by showing that I could draw or paint something more realistic. But now that I'm older and wiser (wink wink) I realize how silly I was being - Art is Art! You will have those that will follow your work, because first of all you like it and secondly - they like it. You will not please everyone and your art will not please everyone. 

My true passion has always been more abstract. I often bounce back and forth, and because a number of my clients love Seascapes, landscapes and pet portraits, I still do it all. But whenever I feel the need to paint for myself, I tend to revert back to my creative emotional side and express my inner self.

Life is too short not to do what you love. So here's a tip from a fellow artist....do what you love and be who you are.

If you are interested in learning more about Alcohol Inks I would love to have you join me for an simple beginner online course. I am also one of the Founding Contributors of The Alcohol Ink Art Community. The community is a wonderful place to learn, create, and promote your AI Art and I recommend you check out becoming a member

I've posted the referral links before for those of you that are interested in Mineral Paper in place of Yupo. It's made from Rocks and still has that glossy surface like Yupo but is a bit thinner and much less expensive! When you spray to seal it just know that it will tend to buckle but it will flatten back out once it's dry and has been taped down when matted or framed. 

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