Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Lilac Contest Winner

Thank you all for the fabulous lilac contest entry paintings! I had so much fun watching all the emails come in with such wonderful renditions of the Lilac Alcohol Ink course. My students make me so proud and happy!!! 
I want to announce that the winner of the  $10 Amazon Gift Card is Pat Cher. I wanted to share her fabulous Lilac Tile with you all. I love the flow and movement of her piece.
Here's a 75% Off Course Link for those of you who are not Udemy members. I'll give you the quick tools and you provide your art expression and creativity to the course. It's all about you....and I want you to enjoy the process, let loose, and have fun.


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