Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Gifts for Artists - My Top 10 Alcohol Ink or Watercolor Tools and Items

I wanted to share my TOP 10 FAVORITE  tools or items

 for Alcohol Ink artists and Watercolor Artists.

Alcohol Ink Artists: 

These are perfect for beginners or as extra supplies for the existing AI Artist! 

Yupo Paper - These are small pads, great for practice or for smaller paintings. This is a must item for INKERS. The paper has a smooth finish which is what alcohol inks need to create that smooth and flowing magic with the colors!

Ranger Alcohol Ink - Ranger inks have a number of great colors and you can purchase a small kit of 3 colors that work well together to start. 

Pinata Ink - Pinata colors are vibrants and come in this super exciter pack along with the much needed white and fantastic gold!

White Gel Pens - Love these to create some small details in your paintings - great for little dots and marks in your paintings and for highlights!

Blender Pen - This is a great little tool to soften colors or take away hard edges where the inks become to dark. 

Watercolor Artists 

These are perfect for beginner watercolorists or as extra supplies for the existing Artist! 

Winsor Newton Cotman Kits  - These watercolor kits have everything you need to get started with watercolors or as a artist that wants to take a little kit on the road with them. It even comes with a little detail brush. 

Watercolor Cards - Great for practice (cut them in half for a 5x7" Sheet!) Make sure to paint on the rougher side.

White Mat Kits - Finish off either your Alcohol Ink painting or watercolor painting with these perfect complete mat kits. They even have a clear acid free sleeve to cover and protect your work. They come in other sizes as well. 

Art Masking Fluid - Masking fluid is another item that can be used with Alcohol Ink or watercolor. I recommend using a cheap brush to put the fluid on with incase it dries and try dipping your brush into a little dish soap before - which helps clean up your brush after.

White Gouache - White gouache is my friend! If you don't want to clean up the Masking fluid you can use this on top of your watercolor paints as it's more opaque. It re-activates with water and you can use this to make snow with a toothbrush! 

~ Heres to a Creative HOLIDAY SEASON!


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Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners Sign up for the Course Here! Basic Watercolor ...