Quick and Easy Abstract Watercolor Landscapes: Vibrant Palette Knife Techniques for Beginners

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Art Vacation Week with Mom

My Cutie Patootie Mom painting the flowers!

Mother/Daughter time never gets old.
I told my Dad I was kidnapping her.....
I had the best vacation week ever with my Mom last week.

The first day we went to the Maine State Music Theatre  and I got to see my very ALL TIME FAVORITE movie
as a play...what would that be? "The Wizard Of OZ" of course. 

Our week was all playtime and sunsets!

Swimming, kayaking,  lunch out everyday, and even had cheesecake for breakfast!
The biggest part of the week was spent painting and creating and here's what we did. 

Day 1 - Brought out the alcohol inks and she painted a gorgeous hummingbird in Masterpieces Hard Core Art  panels.

Day 2 - Painted on Silk Scarves. Now neither one of us had done this before, so it was experiment time for us both. Fun trying different options like Jacquard Dynaflow paints, Alcohol Inks, and even Brusho. Super fun results. I am planning to experiment more and do a class in the future. 

Day 3- We got my Resin out and I made some Maine Lobster Jewelry from the shells.

Day 4  She painted this lovely bouquet that my wonderful neighbor gave us along with some
           fresh garden cucumbers and tomatoes! ( I know right, lucky!!) 

Day 5 - I filmed her painting one of her photographs from Acadia Maine over at the Bluff House Inn.
           (We get a really good deal since my Brother and his wife are the Inns owners!) 

Now that my vacation is over I'm back to working on my Online courses and just finished up August in time!
I'm super excited.......What's it about you ask? 

Ok, so how many of you are seeing all of these gorgeous alcohol inks with shimmer or sparkles? If you have been following me you know that I am a debt free simple living artist and although I don't mind spending money on things I really love, I do like to repurpose things that I already have to save.
Shimmer inks - you know you want to try them!
I'll show you how you can easily create your own shimmer colors in a number of mediums that you probably already have hanging around. We will practice, play and explore a few options and we will finish up this beautiful shell project at the end. 
I've also added 2 more PFD's that you can print off to create some more shells. 
Want to learn more about the Collage on wooden birch panels check out my Artist friend  Jane Monteith's Online Courses! You may also like to see our fun resin Youtube Collab
Thankful to have you here!
Kellie X

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